Monday, October 09, 2006

e-tivity 1

Let’s get started!

Hello everyone. As you know there are many of you so we have to divide you into groups. We do this so that we can have a lower teacher-student ratio in the classroom. This means, however, that you are responsible for doing work outside of the classroom The activities we are going to do online are called “e-tivities” (Gilly Salmon, 2002). You will have one e-tivity each week. Do you know what a blog is? Do you already have one? These are questions we will be exploring in the next e-tivity. For now we just need to become familiar with our course blog. Please read the e-tivity instructions carefully.

Have fun!!

Purpose: To become familiar with our course blog and introduce yourselves to each other.

Task: Read my welcome message below. Write an introduction about you. Say something about what you do, studies and free time, something about yourself, e.g. what kind of person you are, and maybe why you are taking this course. Please add some links to your favourite websites or ones that you use quite often. Feel free to insert a photograph if you want!

Respond: Read the other students’ introductions and reply (using the “comment” button) to some of them, because they are similar to or different from you, because they have said something interesting, etc.

N.B. At this point we are not interested in accuracy, i.e. how correct your English is, but in fluency, i.e. communicating, so don’t worry too much about the form of your messages, just communicate! Also remember that a blog is online, available to everyone on the net, so try not to post information which is too personal, such as a telephone number.

Timeline: Thursday, October 19th (task), Monday, October 23rd (respond).

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