Monday, December 04, 2006

e-tivity 7: feedback

Well, from your blogs it’s clear that you all have a clear, or clearer than before, idea of what wikis are. You all mentioned the basic principles that lie behind writing on a wiki, i.e. collaborative editing and some of you feel inspired by these principles and what they may represent for society. You also noticed the basic structure of most wikis. While almost all of you decided the language on a wiki is formal, Francesca felt it was informal – we will have to discuss this in class.

I really appreciated those of you who found and cited wikis other than wikipedia – good job searching! That was very helpful for me too. Those of you who found other wikis noticed that the language and rules used are not always the same as those used in Wikipedia.

I’ve corrected your posts and as with the previous e-tivity you can download them by clicking here. Please write back to me with any questions or doubts, though your writing really has improved.

Keep up the good work.


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