Tuesday, November 27, 2007

No class on Wednesday

For those of you who weren't in class on Monday and haven't looked at the calendar, there's no class on Wednesday. I'll be in Berlin for a few days at a conference. Please proceed with e-tivity 8 (no technology!) and check in on the forum with Albany - they should have started writing following their Thanksgiving break.

See you next Monday.



Giovanna said...

Hi Sarah,
I'm sorry I couldn't complete the respond of e-tivity 7 but my computer didn't work. I'm going to do it right now.
Giovanna F.

tortina84 said...

Hi Sarah,
I had a look at the forum with Albany. They started writing about Thanksgiving and their educational system. In "Padova-Albany Presentations", there's a new topic "Questions from Albany to Padova", where they wrote three questions each. Are we supposed to answer them this week of later in our exchange?


Sarah said...

@Giovanna - No problem. Tech problems happen :-)

@Martina (and everybody else) - Please do start answering them now. If you happen to be with other members of the class, please send 'collective' responses. Also, could you do me a favor? Let me know if they've also answered your questions. If they haven't I'll get on their case about it! I hope things get started now :-)

Sarah (from Berlin!)

tortina84 said...

Dear Sarah,
I answered their questions about online conferences, non-religious celebration here in Italy and our education system. In my group (partners and sponsors) only one girl answered our questions at the moment. I don't know if more people answered the questions in others groups.

Hope this helps!

Martina Urbani said...

Dear Sarah,

in my group (topic), Shawn was the only American student who answered my questions. Unfortunately we are still discussing our presentation questionnaires because nobody (except Shawn) answered our questions or replied to our answers.

Hope it helps!

Giovanna S. said...

Dear Sarah,

in my group ('Technology') only one American student wrote a post. She's Alyse Landers and she answered my questions. I saw that also Janelle Kieper wrote two posts but not in our group. She wrote a post about Thanksgiving and another one about education).

Giovanna Simonato

elenavi said...

Hi Sarah,

In my group (Topics group) only two American guys (Shawn Hubbard and Cristina Gonzalez) have been answering our questions.

Have a nice Sunday!

Elena V.

cappuc cino said...

Hi Sarah,
I can't attend your lesson today 'cause I had a car accident yesterday and my knie was injured, it's not serious, but I must lay in bed. I'll do the e-tivities at home.


Mary said...

Hi Sarah,
We answered to the forum "Questions from Albany to Padova", then we saw that there are also other two Forums called "Thanksgiving" and "Education". Are we supposed to answer them? Because we saw that our peers have already deeply discussed the topics and we don't know what to say more! :-)

Veronica & Marina

Sarah said...

@ Lisa - I hope you feel better soon! If these Italians would just respect the speed limits and laws of the road... Sorry, but I still find driving in this country a bit crazy!

@Veronica & Marina - The teacher let me know and you all figured it out on your own ;-) I've answered your message in the new post, but basically I just said, if you have something to add, add it and if all's been said, don't bother!
