Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Things you might be interested in...

Dear all,

Here are some notices I've received from colleagues. You might be interested ;-)


Want to act in English? It's a great experience - even some of my engineering students have done it. It's a great way both to practice your English and learn to act in front of an audience (a great skill in life!). Click here for details.

Want to read a poem in another language? Erasmus students put on a concert every year at Christmas. Part of the concert involves reading poems in different languages. They are looking for poems about Christmas, peace and similar topics in foreign languages. Another opportunity to speak in public :-) Please write me an email if you're interested.

Up for another (or first) exchange in the USA or Australia? Always an enriching experience. Click here for information.
- N. 5 posti presso Boston University (USA) - 1° semestre a.a. 2008-09 - Scadenza domande 20/2/2008
- N. 4 posti presso University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (USA) - a.a. 2008-09 - Scadenza domande 7/3/2008
- N. 2 posti presso University of New South Wales (Australia) - periodo Luglio-Novembre 2008 - Scadenza domande 25/2/2008

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