Monday, May 18, 2009

And the winner is...


Only 14 students have voted so far, but here are the results and the reasons given for this choice. Well done Group 2!


  • I think that the definition of 'phishing' is the best one because, though it has some grammar mistakes, it is not copied and is clear. Moreover, it is concise and easy to read.
  • This definition is concise and clear. It gives all the main information to understand what we're talking about and at the end it gives the possibility of knowing something more about it through some links.
  • I chose this definition because when I read it I immediately understood what phishing consits on. I didn't have to go back and read again some sentences as I sometimes had with the other definitions. This is probably because who wrote the it tried to use their own words. The structure of sencences is simple; this is important because these concepts are not always easy to undertand so a grammatically clear text can help the reader a lot.
  • I appreciated the links they put at the end because they included a concise explanation of what they are about.
  • I chose the definiton of 'phishing' (Group 2) because it is very clear, precise and concise at the same time. The girls from Group 2 managed to give enough information without being too long-winded. They put some useful links where to find further information and details about phishing. Also, they put a few links concerning the ways in which recognize and prevent the phishing trap.
  • It is the clearest definition among all those published in this blog, as it describes clearly and in detail what phishing is about. Students, who dealt with it, managed to refrase both information and definitions found on the Internet, without citing Wikipedia or other online sources. As a result, a good explanation of the term phishing. The Examples and the links provided advise other students about phishing and how it is possible to prevent damages, caused by hackers.
  • I chose the definition of 'phishing' because it's clear, exhaustive, but not too long. I also like that the students who wrote this definition used their own words without simply copying and pasting from the original.
  • I think the best definition is 'phishing' even if it contains some grammatical mistakes that could be avoided. However, this definition is clear, concise and easy to read. It goes straight to the point immediately, and gives essential information without being too technical.
  • I think that "Phishing" is the best definition of the list because the concept is explained clearly, concisely, and the paragraph is well-structure. It starts from a more general view, and then goes into details explaining the technique and the victims of this online fraud. Finally, it gives some simple cricks to avoid falling victims to phishing. Particularly I appreciated that the definition mentions the origins of the word too. Even if with some lexical imperfections, the whole concept is well paraphrased and analysed.

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