Wednesday, May 20, 2009

E-tivity 10


OK. After all this serious stuff this semester, for our last lesson let’s have some fun! This week we’re going to explore (no panic!) YouTube. YouTube is the largest online video sharing tool. It is probably the fastest-growing tool on Web 2.0. You might be asking yourselves, as you often have in this course, ‘cosa c’entra con l’inglese?’ Well, let’s see if you can figure out how it may be useful for your language learning, and have some fun along the way!


Purpose: To start reflecting on the potential of YouTube for language learning.

1 – Understanding Music

2 - Music and Pronunciation

3 - Comedy and Culture on Youtube

4 – Reflect. What do you think are the consequences of this tool? Do you think it has been / can be useful for your English language learning?

Respond: Of course you're welcome to do some reflective blogging on the use of YouTube for your language learning ;-)

Timeline: None - you're free now!


AnnaF said...

Hi Sarah!
Today I arrived in the lab a bit late, it was around 10.40 and discovered that there was a French exam so I decided to return back home. I'm sorry, I missed our last class!
Anyway, I did the activity regardig youtube because I found them very interesting and useful. I posetd a comment in my blog.
So, thanks for all!I appreciated and enjoyed your classes because I learned a lot of new things.
I wish you and your familiy all the best!

Francesca M. said...

Hi all!

Sorry if I disappeared for a while, but these are very busy months for me. First of all I am writing my thesis and I have to look for some other books and read sooo many articles! Secondly, I am working and I am planning my holidays.

I would like to tell you that thanks to Skype I was in contact with Luis and Ashley, two of our Dickinsonians peers. At the moment they are in Bologna so, if you have time or want to meet them personally, I think you can contact them!

As far as my English is concerned, I must say that I am more and more confident. I am learning many new technical words, especially related to the field of my thesis and absorption chillers (for my work), moreover I have some time in the evenings and I spend it watching movies or programmes in English. Yesterday, for example, I watched a special show dedicated to Michael Jackson, the king of pop music who died some days ago. It was really interesting and touching!

I hope to hear from you soon,

Good luck!


PS: I am writing here because my account seems not working. Can someone explain me why? has something changed? have you had the same probel recently?

Unknown said...

thanks the course sist

Unknown said...

my 13 yr old uses youtube in a lot of his school lessons. He has a very short attention span still and needs a variety of learning tools. I have found that if I can find a variety of things on youtube that go with his different lessons, it really adds to his lessons and his focus & retention.

Kannan said...

Nice blog.