Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Berlin looks like me!
I chose a picture of Berlin for several reasons: it is my favourite city, it is the place I'd love to live in, and some of the sweetest and most beautiful memories of my life are linked to this city. I had the chance of living in a small kitsch appartment in Friedrichshain, a district in the eastern part of Berlin. I had the opportunity of experiencing this city not as a tourist.
Berlin is a strange city, it is not a metropolis like many others. There are shops, shopping centers, restaurants and whatever one can find in London, Paris and so on in Berlin there is a special sparkling atmoshere. Whoever goes there realizes that recent history has distroyed a country and divided a nation. Walking along the streets one feels the weight of the consequences of the war. History is all around, but the most amazing thing is the energy you can breath in. People feel free to communicate, to express their creativty in any way. People save time for themselves and they are rather relaxed. There is music everywhere that intensifies emotions and feelings. The poplulation is incredibly young and late at night metros are crowded like at noon. The eastern part is the part I prefer and I think it is the real Berlin. There one can look around be constantly surprised: people of different nationalities work, talk, drink, play music together; people with different styles sit at the same table for a beer. It is an incredibly lively city! And I think it looks like me for these reasons..there is a strong side in my personality, a secret place where very few people have access to. I need time to trust people and I don't really like noisy people. On the contrary, I like elgant attitude and for this reason sometimes people think I'm a bit snob but according to me it represents respect. People who know me well, know I'm a steadfast friend and I appreciate sincerity even when it might hurt. But there is also a very curious and friendly side. I'm rather active, full of energy and ideas, I like socialising with new people and I'm tollerant towards everyone as long as they respect me too.

The websites I visit are:

www.ryanair.com ; www.hlx.com; www.easyjet.com and all the low cost companies because I always hope to find a cheap flight! I love travelling and I think it's great to go away even for a couple of days anytime I can.

www.2night.it to know what is going on in our region: events, new locals, concerts.

www.mymovies.it because I love going to the cinema

www.libero.it to keep in touch with teachers, and to exchange funny e-mails with friends!


Erica Buzz said...

Dear Elena,
it's incredible how your description of Berlin has offered me a chance to change my perspective about it. If there is one place I'd never visit it is Berlin (after Paris). I don't know why, but I've always considered these two cities from a negative point of view, perhaps because of the stereotypes people usually use to define them.
Anyway, after this reading, I'm now quite convinced that it might be good to visit it, also because I have someone who can give me suggestions and who knows this city as you do (and I know for sure that you know and love Berlin a lot!?)
Erica Buzzacarin

Alessandra said...

Hi Elena, I enjoyed your description of Berlin very much: one can tell you really had an amazing time when you were there... I'd love to visit Berlin, too, sometime in the future.

Viola said...

Dear Elena,
thank you for your great description of Berlin! I realize only now that I don't know anything about this city! I didn't think it was so interesting but now I can't wait to visit it and see if I feel the same about Berlin.Love,

ERICA said...

Dear Elena,
unfortunately I've never been to Berlin, even though I've been many times to Germany. Anyway, I agree with you when you say that everybody seems to be free, creative and relaxed, I had the same impression when I was in other German towns. I think there is a great difference between the idea that an Italian has of the Germans and the reality: I really like the German "open-mindness"! =)
I have really appreciated reading your feelings.Your description of the town makes me want to come back to Germany as soon as possible!!!

alex said...

Dear Elena,
I know how much you love Berlin and I really enjoyed your description! I have never been there but it is among the cities I would like to visit because if I had to describe London - the city I love most - I would have used many similar images.
It is amazing how many feelings a city can convey!

Elena said...

I'm glad you all enjoyed reading my description of Berlin and I'm glad you all fell like going there now.
Anyway, I'd like to tell you also that I know many people who didn't like Berlin because they think it's cold, because it's grey, because Germans are too reserved, because they don't smile, because it's impossible not to think to the terrible things happened there. However, I think any place is worth visiting, especially places that played a crucial role in the past.
Berlin is only a bit more special than other metropolis because it became a "complete" city only 17 years ago..
My opinion is not objective, I know, but I'm really glad that at least my words aroused your curiosity.