Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Feedback: Blog

Alessandra Peron, Erica Buzzacarin and Susanne have edited the blog page.


Elena said...

Dear Erica, Alessandra and Susanne,
I've read your contribution and I think you've done a very good job.

As we discuss in class, we think that the section about search enginen was maybe a bit misleading and not really relevant.
Moreover, we found that the quotation about Trackback did not had an evidence and therefore you might fix it.

I saw that you used already bold types to catch attention and but, as the content is very rich, I would suggest that you divide the text in further paragraphs in order to facilitate the reader.

I think you did a very accurate job and very accurate, detailed and precise!

Ale T. said...

Dear Alessandra, Erica and Susanne,
Your contribution is very interesting, clear and exaustive!

The organization of the page is very well made and I like the references to the experiences of students and teachers very much. You sum up our experience in class...why didn’t you mentioned it? It could be a nice personal point to add to this page...

Susanne, you’re the only one of us who expressed clearly your opinion...well done!

I’ve nothing more to suggest you...you’ve already done a good job!


Viola said...

Dear Ale, Erica and Susanne,
great job in making many new contributions and improving what was already there! what you wrote is very clear and well structured!

just a little thing: in the educational usages you use "as..., as....,as..." but I don't think it is appropriate!


Viola said...

I haven't been very clear! You say:
"Typical educational uses include, for example:
as a note taking tool in classes
as note taking tools for..."

I don't think it is the best way to express it!

Shoun (aka Tania) said...

Hi girls!!! You did a very good job because the page you chose was a disaster. It was very confusing, wrong structured and you did your best! As I told you in class I think you should remove the paragraph "popular open source and softwares" because it makes no sense and it's too technical!


Alida said...

Dear girls,
Congrtulations! you really did a good job. The history of the page shows exactly how accurate you were.
There are just a couple of things I'd like to point out:
-I loved the reference section because it is very well arranged and contains a lot of useful material.
-What I liked from "From a student's point of view" was the fact that the author included some personal impressions without sounding informal. In that same paragraph I'd fix the quotations because they don't appear as they should.
-I'd write something in order to explain why you added an "Aggregator" section on this page. Indeed it may not be clear to everybody that you can receive feeds even when your favourite blogs are updated.
Great job!

alex said...

Dear Alessandra, Erica and Susanne,

I liked your page a lot because it is complete and it reflects our experience in class.
There are only some things I would like to point out:

- there are some spelling mistakes (wether, diffent...);

- in "From a student's point of view" when you say that students learn how to use new technologies I would cite some of them;

- I would not use capital letters in the list of "From a teacher's point of view".

See you soon,

ilaria said...

Dear Ale, Erica and Susanne,
you really did a good job. You wrote interesting things and you added much important information that was missing in the privious version.
I have no critics to make, the only things I noticed are the same spelling mistakes that Alex highlighted (wether, diffent).

Alessandra said...

Thanks to everyone for their useful suggestions!

I didn't like the infamous "as... as... as..." list either, but it was already there when we started working on the page and we didn't want to delete it... but it would be probably better to rewrite it.

The section on open source software was already there, too, but I don't think we should delete it... I agree with Tania that it's too technical for us, but probably not for the people who work in the educational technology field. I moved the section to the bottom of the page so it can go with the links.

avalonne83 said...

Hi girls,

you did a great job! Now your page is clear and interesting, and also a useful resource.

As Ilaria said, I don't know how you could improve your page. The only thing I noticed are some spelling mistakes...


Alessandra said...

To answer Alida's remark, I bet it was Mr Schneider who added the "aggregator" thing because I had never seen it before (I'm not sure why he did, though). You see why I don't think it's a good idea to remove the whole software section...

Sarah said...

No doubt your peers provided useful feedback and you certainly improved the quality of the page.
Job well done.

Her Royal Highness Susanne said...

Thanks for all the comments. As Sarah said, your feedback was very useful in order to improve the page.