After searching the web for a while, I came across a couple of blogs that you may find interesting. The first one is the Green Peace Blog: it is composed of posts sent by people from all over the world who share the desire to keep themselves abreast of the health of our planet and to spread news, in order to awaken public opinion to environmental problems. In my opinion, it is very well done: besides the bloggers' posts (some of which are very touching, like the one about the anniversary of Mayak catastrophe), you can satisfy all your curiosities by checking the links you find on both sides of the page. Just to make an example, on the right there is a section called Actions you can take now, which contains a list of brief clickable suggestions about how to give one's own small contribution to the protection of the environment and the preservation of our resources; I think it is definetely the kind of information everyone is interested in and that can catch even the inattentive reader's attention.
If you think that this kind of readings is too demanding for you, then check the second blog I found: it’s about gossips! Did you know that Ricky Martin got his own star along Hollywood “walk of fame”? Or that Britney Spears was photographed wearing a pink wig? No? Well, if you are eager to know the details of these and other crucial issues, visit this irreverent blog coming directly from Hollywood! It is daily updated with all you MUST know about films, music, television and, above all, the latest celebrity scoops and scandals! What struck me was its fresh style and the attempt of placing at the visitor's disposal all the tools he may need to find the news he is looking for: there are plenty of links to learn everything about each “popbyte” and gossips are also catalogued by category and by the month or the week in which they have been published…not to lose anything!
As you can see, the language used in the blogs can vary noticeably according to the topic they deal with. In the first one, the vocabulary and the register tend to suit the aim pursued in the blog: the news exchanged are really important and in many cases they give the explanation of quite complex phenomena (such as the greenhouse effect, or the melting of the polar caps), therefore the language used has to be clear to convey directly the meaning of the text, the tone is formal and the reader can often find technical terms.
The second blog is completely different: it is more diary-like, a flow of information and photos shared by a group of friends fond of scandalmongering news. Therefore, the language is colloquial and reproduces the features of informal conversation (it often resorts to abbreviations, neologisms and words taken from slang).
Hi Elena, after having a look at the Green Peace blog I felt terribly bad..because it reminded me that I'm, too, responsible for the environment I live in! Take for instance the section "Actions you can take now": I already knew some of the suggestions they give, and to tell the truth I usually try to make them concrete..But reading this section I realized there are many other little habits I could change to save some energy and, as a consequence, a bit of the world I'm living in..One first step could be to change the terrible electric boiler I have in my flat..
;-) Marta
Hi Elena!I think that all people in the world should visit the Green Peace Blog at least once in their life because there are so many things we ignore about our planet and so many things we could (and should)do to protect it and to save it. In this period all the media are talking about climate changing and global warming but how many of us are really doing something to solve these problems? That's why I think that a good way to start doing something useful for our planet's health is to take a look to the "Actions you can take now" section in the blog. There are a lot of little things we can change in our way of living that can help us to create a better world for future generations.A lot of people believe that these little actions alone are useless. But if we think about it we'll figure out that if we put them all together they will have a huge impact on everybody's life.
Hi, Elena!
Reading your post, I was firstly tempted to click on the Green Peace Blog; it’s very interesting and deals with extremely concrete topic, above all after the Peace Nobel given to Al Gore for his researches on environment problems. But… could I resist temptation to have a look to the other blog you suggested? Obviously, I couldn’t! So, I finally gave in to the temptation to visit the blog about gossips! It’s great! After endless days spent studying, we absolutely merit a breath of fresh air and sometimes we can even allow ourselves a look at useless but irresistible gossips! Do you agree? At a first look, the blog could seem a little confused because there’re many photos and colours; but then I’ve found out that it’s extremely well organized! The popbytes are even ordered by category, month and week… as you said, “not to lose anything”! I’ve already saved the URL of this blog in my favourites list. Thank you, Elena!;-))
See you soon!
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