Thursday, October 18, 2007

Group C: stefania e.tivity 2

Hi everybody!
I’m a television addicted, specifically I’m a Grey’s anatomy addicted! That’s why the first blog I found is about this telefilm! The blog is really well organized and clear. You can find the whole story line, some interviews and some personal information about the cast. People who write in this blog share their opinions about the telefilm, write about their expectations and make comments on the most recent episodes. The language is informal but not too much. I suggest this blog for those of you who like Grey’s anatomy. If you don’t watch the telefilm, the blog would appear to you incomprehensible!

Then, while I was surfing searching for blogs about literature, I found a really strange and amazing blog. I't s a blog novel : it is a sort of interactive novel, whose chapters change depending upon readers' comments. This kind of work-in-progress novel gives the idea that all together we can build "culture". This concept is at the basis of blogs and Wikipedia for example.
For this task I visited 5 blogs. I find that they usually have the same features:
- Their layouts are appealing (colours, images…).
- If you want to write something you have to sign up. Only after that you are a member of the community.
- The content is limited to one particular subject (maybe there are more general blogs…)
- The language is very informal, sometimes vulgar. In some blogs there is no etiquette so people freely express their opinions without controlling their language. I know that in most forums there is a moderator who censors vulgar messages. How does it work in a blog? Is there a moderator? ...
Let me know what do you think...
bye bye


Giada said...

Hi Stefania!
I've just had a quick look to the blogs you inserted and I realy enjoiyed them!I particularly appreciated the first blog about Gray's Anatomy: I'm big fan too and my favourite character is George! The posts are extremely well written,I read the last post about "forgiveness" and I found it great!
The blog novel is very interesting but I think I'll have to read all the posts to understand the whole story. Anyway the basic idea is appealing!
As regards your final observations on the styles used on the blogosphere I must confess I totally agree with you but honestly I don't know if there are moderators in blogs. In my opinion they work only in forums, but I might be wrong!
See you next week,

Giada said...

I realized I made a lot of mistakes in my comment..
-GrAy's Anatomy instead of GrEy's
-I'm A big fan..
-enjoiyed..of course I wanted to say "enjoyed"
I'm sorry!..I will pay more attention next time!

Alesssia L. said...

Hi Stefania,
I visited both blogs and, as you said, the one about Grey's Anatomy was really incomprehensible to me...I must confess that I prefer other serials, for example I'm a "Desperate Housewifes"' addicted!Maybe it is a bit trivial but I really love it!Anyway, I think that the idea of devoting an entire blog to a telefilm is really cute!Maybe there are blogs about "Desperate Housewifes" too...I think I should do some reaserch!!!

Then I had a look at the blog novel and I found it amazing!I had already heard of similar things and I think that they're very stimulating...of course you have to be a very creative person.

With reference to your final comments, I found many vulgar blogs too. For instance, I visited by chance the blog of a far right fanatical who uses very aggressive and sometimes also rude expressions. Anyway, I was impressed by the layout and style of his blog: big American flags everywhere, photos or songs related to the army and so on and so forth. Hence, a part from the content, I think that he uses effective stategies to express his beliefs. I don't think that each forum is controlled by a moderator, simply because some of them are considered "personal forums" so theoretically one is free to express his or herself...this is just my idea...

That's all!

Bye bye


Letizia said...

Hi Stefania!
Unfortunately I'm not a Grey's anatomy addicted! I sometimes see it, but I haven't seen it from the first episode and so I don't understand much!
The second blog you chose is a very nice idea of the creation of a novel depending on readers' opinions, but as readers' opinions are so different I'm not sure that the story is coherent from the begining to the end!!! It's only my opinion!
I agree with you about the fact that blogs are very informal and sometimes vulgar. I think on a blog there has to be a moderator who censors message that are too vulgar, but I don't know if there is...
See you soon,

Blogger said...

Hi Stefania!
As you said the first blog is for true addicted to Grey’s Anatomy. Anyway, I like the way members post because they criticise episodes and situation of the TV series. The second blog is very interesting: it seems that game in which a group of people build a story and each of them tells a piece of story and changes it depending on his/her own will. Amazing!
Some tips: 'Telefilm' is not English; you should use 'TV series' (which is singular besides appearances).
Good job!

Silvia Nicolini said...

Hi Stefania,
I have to confess that I am not a fun of Grey's Anatomy as I have never seen it, therefore it is difficult for me to say something about the quality of this blog. However, it provides plenty of information about the story of the series and of its characters if one wants to know more about it!
I really appreciate the second weblog you've recommended us: it is very original and funny for the people who want to let their imagination run free in writing and editing the plot of the novels!
Finally, I completely agree with you about your observations regarding the features of weblogs, I also noticed that the focus is on one specific topic and often slang words are used, in particular to catch younger people's attention..well, I don't know if there is always a moderator in blogs, however in my opinion it would be useful in order to put a limit to the rudness of people who use them improperly!
see you soon!

Sarah said...

Hey there, thought I'd give my two cents' worth. Theoretically on a blog, it is the blogger-administrator (i.e. me in the case of our blog, you in the case of your blog) who acts as the moderator. Not only can you remove vulgar comments, but you can keep people from sending new ones again too by banning them.
Hope that helps.

Keep up the good work!
