Thursday, October 18, 2007

Group D: Alberto (E-tivity 2)

After searching the Internet for a long time, I came across two blogs I like and I hope you appreciate too.

The first one is about CINEMA. I love it and I'm always interested in reading something about films competitions and news from this world. It is managed and daily updated by Anne Thompson; a journalist who writes the posts you find and puts videos and photos. She discusses a number of topics about movies, actors, actress, competitions and curious facts. In my opinion, this blog is very interesting and really well-done; here you can find detailed news about any aspect of the world of cinema. Moreover, on the right side of the page there are two columns containing further information. The first one is strictly connected to the blog itself and it's subdivided into sections, such as categories and recent comments, to make the reading easier. The second column presents other links, for example, companies and critics, you can use to open other interesting web-pages.

The second blog I chose to talk about is a blog that deals with Extreme Sports. It probably sounds strange for those who know me and my immeasurable love for lying on the sofa in front of the television, but I feel incredibly drawn to them. It perhaps depends on my zodiacal sign - Gemini- and the alleged doubleness of the people who born in that period of the year...
The elements in the page are orderly placed, making the reading of the blog easy for anyone. It is managed by people keen in extreme sports, who write different posts on that topic. Here you can find news about competitions, information on how and where a certain activitiy can be practised and useful suggestions on different types of equipment. You can also find photos and videos to experience the strong emotion of extreme sports!
On the right side of the page, there is a column with some sections, as categories and a list of interesting links.
It is always hard to organize something like that, because I should go to the mountains or to the seaside and because not all my friends are interested in smashing against the rocks...I'm joking, but if someone would like to try something new, (it doesn't sound very well, but I'm talking just about sport...) I'm here and ready to risk breaking some bones!

The language used in the blogs varies according to the topic they deal with. In the first one, the register and the vocabulary is a bit more formal than the second one, although sometimes, the journalist uses some colloquial and colourful expressions in order to catch the reader's attention. Anne Thompson prefers using a tone that changes with reference to the topics she writes about, but she demonstates a thorough knowledge of the world of cinema.
The language in the second blog is colloquial and sometimes you can also find features of informal conversation. In my poinion, it is the best choice to talk about sport and the reader can also appreciate the writers' precise descriptions about the topics they deal with.

Both in the first and in the second blog there are plenty of technical terms which sometimes make the reading a bit demanding, but a reader who is interested in the topics that are handled, surely appreciates this language choice.


Imma said...

Hi Alberto...
I chose to visit the first blog you recommended us...This is because I like cinema and of course actually
it's the right time for talking about this becouse of the imminent Oscars!!! I have an annual subscription for the magazine "Ciak" that surely you know and I'm always trying to be informed about the last news about this charming world..
Anyway....I agreed with you...the blog is really useful and well done and you can find almost everything about last moovies...
It's a good blog and I enjoyed it a lot..
Thanks and see you..

Serena Santi said...

Hi Alberto!
Like Imma I visited the blog about cinema. I know who Anne Thompson is and I read some of her articles before. I was curious to see if in the blog there were some news about the Rome Film Festival and I found an interesting article about the film Francis Ford Coppola presented there. The title is 'Youth without youth'and it is based on the Romanian Mircea Eliade's novella about the limitations of time.
I think the articles are well written and the layout is well done. I like the division into paragraphs. It helps me going on and reading.