Thursday, October 18, 2007

Group A: Nicola e-tivity 2

I have found two interesting blogs. One of them is about music, Ska music; it is called Reggae and Ska. You can find lots of videos, lyrics and so on. It hasn't got a special design but it's rather user-friendly: there is a search engine for music, and all the available videos are listed at the bottom of the main page. It seems a website actually. The type is not that large and, perhaps, using paragraphs would have been better.

Then, I've found a blog called Fan Art Zone. It was published in March, 2007; I find it quite interesting because you are asked to send your own works (videos, photographs etc.). However, if I had been the author, I would have posted more things before publishing it; it looks a bit empty at the moment. I think I'm going to send a video of mine.

The blogs I have found have an informal style; I think it is usual when you are dealing with Ska music and art in general. They are really simple and users can easily figure out what they are supposed to deal with. Visit them, and enjoy some Ska even from Japan! Mata aimashou! (see you! it should mean that).


Davide said...

hi my friend....I clink on the links you post....that one about art is fantastic...i really enjoyed watching the video about naruto and his you wrote on your post the author should have posted more works....coz it's quite poor....the first one u posted pissed me off....Im jokin'...ill visit it in a hurry regards Mr Canton (kenton)!!!!!davide

Anna B said...

Hi Niko! I've just given a look at the blogs you linked... Unfortunately I don't have an adsl internet connection, so I can just sit down and read the posts! But the most interesting elements are videos! Mmh, a friend of mine has a high speed connection... I'll go at her place this afternoon I guess... :p!

Have a nice we!


elisac said...

Hi Nicola!
I agree with Anna and Davide, the blog about art is wonderful! Unfortunately my connection is slow, so I can't watch videos,but I will surf your blog as soon as I find someone who has adsl connection. The blogs you chose contain a lot of videos...maybe I will discuss them with you as soon as I can watch them.
See you,