Friday, October 12, 2007

Urgent: Scheduling Changes

Hello everyone,

After our first week of lessons last week, I made two observations.

1 - 45-50 mins in the lab on Mondays was not enough and it was absurd for me to repeat the exact same things 3 times.

2 - 45-50 mins in the classroom was not enough.

Since I have 6 hours allocated to the course, it would make more sense to spend 2 in the lab and then 2 hours with each group speaking for us all to get the most out of the course. Therefore, after many emails with various classroom organizers, here's the proposal.

Mondays 14.30-16.00 Speaking Group 1 (ex Wed. 10-30-11.30)
Mondays 16.00-17.30 Speaking Group 2 (ex Wed. 11.30-12.30)

Wednesdays 14.30-16.00 All students in the lab in via Venezia

This schedule would allow us to use our time together much more effectively.

Please respond to this post with a comment IF AND ONLY IF you ABSOLUTELY CANNOT in any way adjust to this schedule. Remember that there are 60 of you and it's basically impossible to meet everyone's needs so we all need to make small sacrifices.

If there are changes for next week, I will post them on the blog on Monday.

Have a nice weekend.


P.S. I have really enjoyed seeing your pictures and reading your posts :-) You're all doing a great job!


Sara DT said...

I completely agree with your proposal!

Eleonora said...

Hallo Sarah,
I understand the reasons for your proposal but unfortunately I would have some problems in attending the course in the lab on Wednesday since I have another lesson at the same hour. If we change the schedule, would it be possible for me to do the work you do in the lab at home?
Would be also possible for the 2nd group on Monday to start at 16.15, so that people who have another lesson before have time to arrive?

I know it is impossible to meet everyone's needs, so thanks in any case :-)

Eleonora Carta

cappuc cino said...

Hi Sarah,
I should attend the second group on Monday, unfortunately I have a lesson at the same time. Do you mind if I attend your lesson with the first group?

thank you

elenacarlet said...

Hi Sarah!
I have the same problem of Eleonora: I can come to lesson on Monday but I can't come to the lab on Wednesday because I have another lesson..would be possible for me to do the work you do in the lab at home?
Thank you very much!
bye bye!

elenavi said...

Hi Sarah!

for me it's exactly the same as Eleonora and Elena: I can come to lesson on Monday but I can't on Wednesday because I have another lesson... Can I do the work you do in the lab at home?

Thank you very much!

See you on Monday!

Elena Vivian

alicev said...

Dear Sarah,

like Lisa Belluco I'd attend the first group, if you change schedules... Is it possible?


Alice Violato

The Ghellers said...

hello Sarah!
For me it's OK, but can I come to the second group on Monday instead of the first?
Let me know... thanks stefania

Blogger said...

Hi Sarah,
for me it's ok...actually super ok!

Laura Zock said...

Hi Sarah,
unfortunately me and valentina mioni would have some problems in attending both the course in the lab on Wednesday and the speaking lesson on Monday since we have other lessons at the same hour; we could come on Monday at 1430-1600 but we belong to the 2nd group (Group K and J) and in this way there would be no member of our group. How can we do?

If we change the schedule, would it be possible for us to do the work you do in the lab at home?

Thank you

Laura Zoccarato