Judging Online Sources
In her comments on e-tivity 5 (social bookmarking), Roberta said: “I think there are also a drawback, a limit in its use: you cannot know how people value what they have found, I mean, you cannot know according to which criteria a person judges a website as a good or bad one.” Many of you have made similar comments about podcasts and YouTube as well. Nonetheless, you have certainly been judging a lot of online sources since we started this course. This week’s e-tivity is about reflection and discussion and you won’t have to learn how to use any new tool!
Purpose: To reflect on and discuss what criteria you do use and can be used to judge the almost limitless amount of information on the Internet.
1 – Many of you will be writing your theses soon and there’s no doubt that you will be using the Internet as part of your research. Whenever you do research, be it in the library or online, you have to judge the information you come across. I’d like you to think about what criteria you use to make these judegments. Author? Publisher? Peer rating? Look? etc. Make some notes about this either on paper or in your blog.
Tips from Purdue’s Online Writing Lab (OWL)
Tips from
3 – Write a blog post describing what criteria you have used, and will use in the future, to evaluate sources of information, be they online or not.
Respond: Read the other the posts of the members of your group. Write a comment agreeing/disagreeing/reflecting on what your peers have said. Come to class Monday ready to discuss the conclusions you have come to as a group.
Timeline: Friday, November 30 (task), Monday, December 3 (respond).
Dear Sarah,
I am Roberta Fumani (Group H) and, I wanted to inform you that from Monday the 3rd to Wednesday the 12th December I will be abroad and so, I will not manage to attend your lessons (and also to do e-tivities, I’m sorry).
Of course, when I come back home, I’ll do all my backlog. I am going to write a comment in my blog to inform my peers too of my absence.
I hope there is no problem! Thank you for your attention.
Best regards
Roberta Fumani
Dear Sarah,
I would like to inform you that I post the e.tivity 8 today since yesterday and the day before I had some problems with my broadband...sorry!
I hope there is no problem!
Best reagards
Veronica Bozzato
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