Monday, May 26, 2008

And the winner is...(2)

Hello everyone,

I've been monitoring the results for the past week and half. About mid-week, last week, several more people had replied, but it was still a tie (incredible!). I waited a few more days, but no more people have replied so I guess it's time to declare a winner.

What's interesting is that you are perfectly divided between a very serious topic and a lighter, but very culturally relevant topic. For now 47 people have voted (out of theoretically 60) and the two that have the most votes, each have 11. This means that many other groups got several votes - and the comments were interesting. If you'd like to know if your group got votes or see the comments, write me an email and I'll get that info off to you.

Now that you've read all this and I still haven't told you ;-) the two groups who tied for first place are: Group 5 ItaliaUSA_CollegeLife and Group 6 ItaliaUSA_DeathPenalty. So, many compliments to the two groups that won, but compliments to you all for doing an excellent job. I am dedicating this week (hours and hours!) to looking over everything and getting feedback to you. I am NOT going to correct your wiki pages, but rather leave them the way you and your peers were able to make them. I will send you feedback on the project and your progress in the course, together with the grade, which I will then give to Prof. Busà and Prof. Taylor.

Job well done to all of you!



Elena B said...

Dear Sarah,
if it is possible, I'd like to know my peers'comment on our wikipage. It's just to have some kind of feedback.. The wikipage I contributed to is the one of American and Italian University system (Group 11)together with Marta, Nina, Sara and Marigny.
Thanks a lot and have a nice summer!

Anna B said...

Dear Sarah,
we would like to know our peers' comments on our page, is it possible?
We are Group nr 2, and our wikipage is that about stereotypes in movies.
We really enjoyed this project, thank you!

Anna and Martina