Thursday, March 26, 2009

Feedback e-tivity 3

Hello all,

This week I corrected the blog posts of those who posted e-tivity 3 by the deadline. We discussed them a bit in class, but you can see a .pdf with the corrections on the wiki. I would suggest you ALL read ALL of my corrections as I feel we all have something to learn from each other's mistakes.

You did a good job of eliminating what we said we'd eliminate, e.g. present perfect, also, such, must, etc., and today in class we decided to eliminate 'don't have to' as well. I think these posts are an improvement on the first ones and I'm sure as you learn to blog and simplify, they'll get even better.

Next week I will be correcting the the posts and comments of two of the groups :-)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many thanks for your prompt feedback. I appreciated it very much.

Francesca Martellozzo