My name is Daniele and my birth dates from 1982. I dwell in Lonigo (Vicenza) with my parents and two brothers who fix the chronological extremes of the children. I'm possessed of a degree in Discipline della Mediazione linguistica e Culturale attained at the University of Padova about one year ago. At present I am enrolled in the second year (the last one) of the specialistic degree course in Lingue straniere per la comunicazione internazionale. The decision to continue my academic career is perceived by me as the result of a dilatory inertial state (characterized by incertitude and difficulty in finding a satisfying job) rather than the sign of a pervicacious and "future-oriented" will. Nevertheless, the prospect of becoming an English (or Spanish) teacher or a translator would not be completely disagreeable. In the meantime I'm trying to enhance my linguistic ability, in spite of the fact that it is necessary (above all as regards spoken language) to sojourn in foreign countries to reach a satisfactory level.
When I'm not at university and I do not have to aid my father in his job (he is a carrier), I like reading (I have not a favourite literary genre), playing trumpet (I played in the town band), watching movies (expecially the old ones), going to art exhibitions and to jazz concerts, playing football and drinking and revelling with my friends.
Politically I could be considered as a sort of anarchist, because I hate politicians and the entire political class as such, apathetic and expensive means of liberticide.
As regards economics I am an anti-liberalist, supporter of the Keynesian policies (now welfare state) and the safeguard of developing countries.
Philosophycally I share the schopenhauerian existential pessimism.
I can advise some interesting websites as, for example, http://www.exibart.com or http://www.dissent.it.
Hi Daniele.
I'm curious about your way of facing life in general, because it is completly different from mine. Could you deepen your vision of life? so I can measure mine with yours.
sono incuriosità dal tuo modo di vedere, affrontare vita che in molti p.ti è completam opposto al mio mi piacereb ke potess approf meglio la tua visione del mondo per potermi confrontare
Hi Daniele!
I hate the whole political, too, even if I don't think to be an anarchist because it implies a very strong and extreme stance.
I'm only an apolitical.
I'm also interested in your pessimism. I believe that it can be positive if you use it as an impulse to achieve a result.
Daniele, what's the meaning of your username "il contribuente"?
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