Hello! I'm Lara, I'm 24 and I come from a very small village, Sanguinetto, 40 km far from Verona. At the moment I'm living and studying in Padua, where I'm attending the specialistica of Foreing Languages for International Communication; I chose it because I love foreing languages - I study English and German - but at the same time technical subjects as economics and law, I think, and hope, they are useful to find a job, maybe concerning tourism, a field that fascinates me and that I studied during the triennale at the University of Verona.
I love reading Japanese and Disney's comics, role-playing games such as Dungeous and Dragons, X-box role- games such as Fable, movies full of epic atmosphere such as The Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia. But my favourite saga is Star Wars - I love Darth Vader!
As you can see my hobbies are quite sedentary, but I like going out for a walk with my boyfriend especially in the mountains: we love walking on Monte Baldo and Monte Carega, two chains of mountains between Garda Lake and Verona.
I chose a Donald Duck's picture because I adore him and I think he's very similar to me: nice, hysteric, irritable and funny.
Concernig web sites, obviously the site that I visit almost everyday is www.lettere.unipd.it or www.maldura.unipd.it but I recommend for example www.igiochideigrandi.it which is the address of a shop in Verona that sells role-playing games, www.verona.com which gives several information about the city and www.tourism.verona.com which gives not only news about Verona but also about its territory, you can see pictures of Monte Baldo, Garda Lake, etc... I hope you'll like these links!
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Hi Lara!I love your city!Unfortunately I have not had the chance to go to Verona very often lately but I really like it, so thankyou for the sites you have written in your presentation, I hope they will be usefull for me to know Verona better!
Hi there! I guess you shouldn't let the tourists scare you even thought you said you're quite shy! Keep always in mind that most of the time they're lost without your information, they don't know where they've to go and if they're foreigners they actually cannot understand a world in Italian :-( You should see this job as a kind of mission! And I'm sure you will manage to work in tourism very well!!! Don't worry! Alice
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