Thursday, November 02, 2006


Hi Sarah!

I've been working with my new blog all day but they always say impossibile collegarsi a il salvataggio e la pubblicazione potrebbero non riuscire-riprova la connessione ora I've tried over and over but it hasn't worked :-(

What shall I do?...

Many thanks in advance!


1 comment:

Sarah said...

Dear Alice,
The reason I chose Blogger is because of the many free blogs out there, this is currently the most stable one. However, this does not mean that there are never problems. If I remember correctly, there was a message on the main page of Blogger saying that had to maintenance one day. I don't know if it was Nov. 2, but it could have been.
If, and when, this happens, write would you want to blog in Word, then when Blogger decides to start working again (usually by the next day), just copy and paste into Blogger.
Hope I answered your question.

You've been doing a great job!
