Thursday, November 02, 2006

My blog - Magicesca -

Hello everybody!

Come and see my brand new blog at

I'm waiting for your comments.



Luigina said...

Hi Francesca!!!!!!!!!

I really like your blog, because you make me aware of some blogging feature I didn't capture!
In particular concerning the layout and the visual impact on readers and I appreciate the part in which you report several definitions of blogging, short and clear.
I must admit that after reading your blog I've realized there're so many features I ignored in mine :-( but this is so cool! because it demonstrates that blogging works! I'm really learning somenthing new!
so thanks dear Magicesca!

Alice said...

Hi there Francesca!
I did enjoy your blog a lot ;-) The layout is great! I love photos and I agree with you when you say that they can help us to better understand a person! The use of questions is winning: it helps the reader to keep his/her attention focused on the topic. The colours make the rest.
As regards your question about how to get a link you should see carefully once you post a message because there you'll find a botton which says exactly "add a link".
Enjoy your blog!