Sunday, December 17, 2006


I tried to reorganize my page "Podcasting" together with Lara, following the indications proposed by Daniel Schneider.
I think it's not always easy to correct our contributions because sometime it happens that you have to change completely a part of your work or you realize that your paragraphs are not well-organized, so it's necessary to modify or add some information.

This work and, in particular, the creation of a wiki page require lots of time and patience, as you have to search for all the material about the topic you have chosen and then you have to develop your work in order to create an excellent page.

I think we have to remember that our work might be read by other students who have to do a research into a subject, for example, so it's important that we build a clear, coherent, well-organized and accurate wiki page.
I hope my contributions can be defined at least with one of these adjectives!

I read my colleagues' works and I tried to identify some qualities and some mistakes, but I found their works very interesting and well-organized.

Sarah explained us "to give not only positive feedback, constructive criticism is quite important as well"; but, in this case, it's difficult for me to do so, because I think that they have done a really good job!

Thanks to their contributions, the pages of Edutech seem the pages of Wikipedia and my colleagues have worked as experts of this sector.
All of them created:

- Brief sections divided by lines in which they explained some aspects of their topic;
- A clear layout;
- Lots of internal links in order to provide more information about their topic;
- Paragraphs well-organized.

I also appreciated their ability to express their opinions using an impersonal style. Some of them took infomation directly from their blog, so their contributions are more original because they added new information; they didn't use material already known and read.

I think this is an important aspect as, giving your opinions and thoughts, they really built a new wiki page!


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