1 – Go to the wiki page on the assessment of intercultural competence (ICC). Read the first section entitled “Intercultural Competence in brief”. You will find descriptions and questions. Students in class discussed the questions. If you weren’t in class, take some time to read them carefully and think of your own answers. In other words, discuss with yourself!
2 – The second part of the page is entitled Questionnaires. Please follow the instructions carefully.
3 – Prepare a short summary of what you think you learned from the experience. You will be asked to speak in class for 2-3 minutes on Monday and to provide one or two specific examples of learning that took place. Please do not be generic, be specific to your experience. Last semester your PLEs were a bit similar, whereas I would like this to be more personal. And when I say 2-3 minutes, it means I will cut you off after 3 minutes.
4 – Write a blog post summarizing your answers to the questionnaires.
Deadline: No panic! Several students indicated to me that they would be very busy studying for exams next week. You also have to finish your wiki pages. Therefore, I would propose the following calendar:
Over the weekend: start taking a look at the questionnaires and thinking about them. Prepare your 2-3 min. presentation.
Monday in class: I will give you time to actually complete the writing questionnaire task on the wiki.
Wednesday: the blog post.
Next Wednesday in class we will vote on the best wiki page. Therefore, I would say have all CONTENTS ready for Monday (the deadline). Then you’ll have another two days to fix up the layout. Sound ok? This way we’ll be done with everything for Wednesday and go and get a spritz after class ;-)
If you won’t be in class Monday or Wednesday, check the blog. I’ll be updating it with more info.
Dear Sarah, as on Monday we'll speak for 2.3 minutes on our ICC and experience, could I please do that at the beginning of the lesson, or as soon as possible? Because I need to go to work at 15.15..sorry!! Thank you! Marta
Dear Sarah,
I cannot come to lesson on Monday afternoon because I have to do an oral exam of Medieval Literature with prof. Brunetti, on Monday afternoon.
I'm sorry! If you wish, I could record my oral presentation and send it to you or upload it somewhere.
See you on Wednesday!
bye bye
Dear Sarah,
I cannot come to your lesson on Monday because at the same time I have the oral exam of Medieval literature with prof. Brunetti, but I will surely come on Wednesday! As Martina suggested, I can record the oral presentation and send it to you or do it on Wednesday, if possible.
See you next week.
Elisa Caramori
Dear Sarah,
I cannot come on Monday because I work but I'll come on Wednesday. I'm sorry to miss the presentation of my peers.
Hi Sarah,
Martina Torresan and I would like to ask you if it is possible for us to come to the first turn (2.30-4pm) on the next Monday lesson (and not to the second one as usual). We cannot come at the usual time, but we would like to be present at the lesson all the same. Are there enough places in the lab?
Thank you,
hi sarah,
I can't be there next week but as it was suggested by someone, I could record my oral presentation.
thank you
Dear Sarah, I'm in bed with flu. So, I cannot come on Monday. I hope to recover soon! Can I record my oral presentation and send it to you by Wednesday?
To all of you!
1 - You're welcome to come whenever you can on Monday - there no longer seem to be problems with space.
2 - If you can't come on Monday, we'll be more than happy to hear what you have to say on Wednesday.
3 - If you can't come either day, it's a pity. The idea is to share experiences. I will not be giving you grades for what you say. It's an opportunity to practice speaking in front of an audience, so making an audio recording would defeat the purpose. But do let me know if you can't come either day.
Dear Sarah,
I literally have no voice today:-( I hope to feel better on Wednesday so that I can do my presentation.
Hi Sarah,
I can't come today because I have an exam with professor Brunetti (medieval English literature).
See you on Wednesday
Hi Sarah!
I can't come today because I have a medical examination. I will come and do my presentation on Wednesday(if possible at the beginning of the lesson because I will leave at 15.30-45)
Thank you
Hi Sarah,
I was coming to lesson this afternoon but my train broke down and all the other trains to Venice had terrible delays. So I had to come back home since I couldn't get to Padova. I am so sorry, I will complete my wiki page and give my presentation on Wednesday.
Thank you
Hi Sarah!
As you could see I could not come to class today (I cough every 20 seconds or so) but if it's ok for you I'm ready to speak on Wednesday (I hope so)...Sorry for that.See you on Wednesday!!!!;-)
Dear Sarah,
I'm so sorry to tell you that Valentina and I won't be in class today because we are involved in the organisation of an event in our town... Today there is the last meeting and we can't miss it!
Thank u for this year together..hopefully c u around Padua!
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